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Contabilidade Gestao E Governanca ; 25:255-271, 2022.
Article in English | Web of Science | ID: covidwho-2245329


Objective: We examined whether the financial resilience of Brazilian local governments (LGs) was affected by political-electoral aspects during the Covid-19 pandemic.Method: We used a mean comparison with secondary data on the finances and political field information of 621 LGs in Brazil between the years 2017 and 2020.Originality/Relevance: This is the first study to examine the influence of political-electoral aspects on financial resilience capacity in LGs. Results: Our findings indicate that the partisan alignment and the ideological position between mayors and the Brazilian president, also the electoral mandate, are the main reasons that support or reduce the capacity of these LGs to cope with shocks and crises. Theoretical/Methodological contributions: Our paper make a double contribution to the financial resilience literature: exploring a different aspect that shapes this capacity, and examining how LGs in an underdeveloped country coped with the crisis generated by the pandemic.Social/Management contributions: With the particular interest of society at large, our results may be useful to help identify the position, preparedness, and role of LGs managers in times of crisis.

International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education ; 24(3):584-601, 2023.
Article in English | Scopus | ID: covidwho-2240049


Purpose: Reducing our carbon footprint (CF) or decarbonizing is a sustainable development goal. Although there has been an increase in research on this topic, little is known about the status of CF research within universities. The purpose of this paper is to identify the initiatives implemented in universities aimed at reducing CF in their efforts toward creating a Green Campus. Design/methodology/approach: Using a bibliometric method, the status of this field of research was examined for the purpose of identifying the main publications and the most central researchers in terms of productivity and citations. Also, by using an exploratory factor analysis (EFA), the regions of the world with the most active research, as well as the direction of research, were identified. Findings: The survey identified the region that published the most on the subject in the past 10 years, as well as the most relevant authors in the publications. Through this factor analysis, it was possible to identify, among the 105 publications analyzed, four distinct factors (clusters) with different thematic strands that appear to define a difference between the related studies on this topic. These factors were identified as campus management: supply and consumption operations;greenhouse gases emissions assessment: CF calculation;university air travel;sustainable food systems. The changes in people's attitudes and in the use of university spaces during the COVID-19 pandemic in relation to the CF was also noted as a point that can be investigated in future research. As well as the reflection of the reduction in academic air travel and the "forced” occurrence of online events during the same period. Originality/value: The paper aims to innovate by applying the multidimensional scaling method and EFA to scientific articles on the topic of decarbonizing campuses and identifying the clusters that constitute this field of study. The research seeks to contribute to current metric knowledge on the topic and to the creation of a specific research agenda. © 2022, Emerald Publishing Limited.

Hematology, Transfusion and Cell Therapy ; 44(Supplement 2):S172, 2022.
Article in English | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-2179125


Introducao: Com desafiador tratamento e de diagnostico criterioso, a leucemia aguda de fenotipo misto (LAFM) e uma entidade rara dentro do espectro das leucemias agudas. Requer a presenca imunofenotipica de marcadores de linhagem B (CD19, CD22, CD79a), T (CD3) em conjunto com a linhagem mieloide (mieloperoxidase e diferenciacao monocitica - CD11c, CD14, CD64 ou lisozima). Relato de caso: Paciente masculino, 30 anos, obeso e diabetico tipo 2, hipertrigliceridemia, inicia com febre (38C), dor abdominal em hipocondrio direito e fadiga. Com dois dias de sintomas procura atendimento sendo liberado com sintomaticos. No quarto dia de sintomas houve piora da febre (39degreeC) e da dor, surgindo maculas hiperemiadas pruriginosas pelo corpo, ictericia e coluria. Retornou ao hospital de sua cidade sendo prescrito azitromicina e liberado com suspeita de influenza. No sexto dia de sintomas notou piora da ictericia, procurando, novamente, atendimento. Encaminhado, entao ao servico de referencia da regiao. Interna inicialmente na equipe da gastroenterologia como suspeita de hepatite viral. Na chegada: Hb 14,9, leucocitos 6140 com 2793 neutrofilos, 442 monocitos e 2812 linfocitos, 53 mil plaquetas;AST 57, ALT 733, hiperbilirrubinemia as custas de bilirrubina direta. Com todos os marcadores virais negativos, prosseguiu a investigacao de hepatite. No dia em que realiza ressonancia magnetica, que indicava processo infiltrativo/inflamatorio em figado e rim esquerdo, alem de testar positivo para COVID-19, ha evolucao no hemograma: Hb 10,7, leucocitos 7450 com 1192 blastos, 60 neutrofilos, 2012 monocitos e 4187 linfocitos, 23 mil plaquetas. Com o aparecimento de blastos, piora dos niveis de bilirrubinas e das lesoes de pele, foi realizado imunofenotipagem de sangue periferico que indicava leucemia monocitica aguda. Transferido a equipe da hematologia, sendo realizada biopsia de medula e iniciado protocolo 7 + 3 com substituicao das antraciclinas em falta no mercado por doxorrubicina 45 mg/m2. No terceiro dia da inducao, foi liberado o resultado da imunofenotipagem que confirmava o diagnostico de leucemia aguda de fenotipo misto B/mieloide, marcando CD19, CD22 e CD79a, com diferenciacao monocitica (CD14 e CD64). Cariotipo nao houve crescimento e PCR BCR/ABL negativo. Optado por seguir tratamento com 7 + 3, apresentando medula no D14 aplasiada e medula no D28 com doenca residual minima (DRM) negativa. Realiza tres consolidacoes com altas doses de citarabina (3g/m2). Paciente sustenta DRM negativa, estando em remissao completa. Iniciado manutencao com vincristina, mercaptopurina, metotrexato e prednisona. Aguarda transplante de celulas tronco hematopoieticas (TCTH). Discussao: Com o diagnostico de LAFM, o tratamento requer o maior numero de quimioterapicos, sendo sugerido o uso de protocolos para leucemia linfoblastica aguda. Como ja havia sido instituido o tratamento com doxorrubicina e citarabina, foi optado por seguir protocolo e, na manutencao da remissao completa, terminar as consolidacoes e iniciar a manutencao prevista pelo protocolo HyperCVAD. Devido a ser uma leucemia de alto risco, a realizacao do TCTH e necessaria e, neste caso relatado, a manutencao sera mantida ate a realizacao do transplante. Conclusao: Contudo, por se tratar de doenca rara e com poucos estudos publicados, requer compartilhamento de conhecimentos e condutas para melhora da abordagem. Copyright © 2022

Hematology, Transfusion and Cell Therapy ; 44(Supplement 2):S152, 2022.
Article in English | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-2179120


Introducao: A Leucemia Promielocitica Aguda (LPA) e uma variante distinta de Leucemia Mieloide Aguda (LMA), correspondendo a 5 a 20% dos casos de todas LMA. Relato de caso: Paciente masculino, 18 anos, sem comorbidades, procura atendimento por febre com evolucao de 7 dias, associada a odinofagia, dispneia e cansaco. Relato de ter procurado atendimento anteriormente pelo mesmo quadro, sendo prescrito amoxicilina pela suspeita de amigdalite bacteriana. Hemograma da chegada demonstra uma pancitopenia com hemoglobina de 7,9, 560 leucocitos totais com diferencial de 189 neutrofilos, 50 bastoes, 240 linfocitos, 70 monocitos e 10 basofilos, alem de 85 mil plaquetas. Apos repeticao do hemograma e confirmacao da pancitopenia, paciente foi internado e submetido a analise de medula ossea (MO). Medulograma evidenciou em torno de 40% de infiltracao por celulas blasticas e promielocitos atipicos. Iniciado abordagem para LPA com acido trans-retinoico (ATRA). No dia seguinte, resultado de imunofenotipagem (IFT) nao evidencia populacao de celulas com fenotipo anomalo. Analise citogenetica revela um conjunto cromossomico masculino normal, sem evidencia de anormalidade clonal. Anatomopatologico (AP) de MO mostra hipercelularidade para idade (90%) as custas da serie granulocitica com falha de maturacao e hipoplasia eritroide. Repetido a analise de medula ossea no terceiro dia de internacao com confirmacao dos mesmos resultados. Realizados sorologias para hepatite B, C, citomegalovirus (CMV), Epstein-Barr e Parvovirus com resultados negativos. Descartada infeccao por COVID-19 com coleta de rt-PCR. Tomografia de torax apresenta extensas opacidades consolidativas de aspecto inflamatorio no lobo inferior esquerdo e cultura de lavado broncoalveolar apresenta crescimento de Staphylococcus Aureus, sendo realizado o diagnostico de pneumonia necrotizante. Apos 48h do inicio de antibioterapia com Piperaciclina-Tazobactam, paciente apresenta recuperacao de contagens com resolucao da pancitopenia. Discussao e conclusao: A LPA representa uma emergencia medica com alta taxa de mortalidade precoce, muitas vezes por hemorragia devido a um disturbio de coagulacao caracteristico. E fundamental iniciar o tratamento com um agente de diferenciacao celular, como o ATRA, assim que houver suspeita do diagnostico com base em criterios clinicos e citologicos, nao sendo necessario aguardar a confirmacao citogenetica ou molecular. Entretanto, e necessario considerar no diagnostico diferencial outras causas de pancitopenia por infiltracao medular de celulas imaturas, sendo a infeccao um diagnostico diferencial importante. Copyright © 2022

Hematology, Transfusion and Cell Therapy ; 43:S510, 2021.
Article in English | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-1859705


Objetivos: Relatar caso fatal de hemorragia cerebral e complicações tromboembólicas após realização de vacina ChAdOx1 nCoV-19. Relato de caso: Mulher, 22 anos, obesa, é encaminhada ao serviço de urgência por quadro súbito de alteração na fala e perda de força em hemicorpo esquerdo 10 dias após receber a primeira dose da vacina ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 (Astrazeneca). Há 3 dias com cefaleia holocraniana persistente refratária ao uso domiciliar de analgésicos. Sem história prévia de doenças crônicas, uso de medicações ou hospitalizações. Na admissão, Escala de Coma de Glasgow de 11 pontos, disartria e hemiplegia de membro superior esquerdo. Foram realizados angiotomografia de crânio e tórax com sinais de trombose do seio sagital, coleções hemorrágicas intraparenquimatosas nos lobos parietal e occipital à direita, compatíveis com evento vascular hemorrágico recente, além de tromboembolismo pulmonar agudo em ambas as artérias pulmonares principais e seus ramos. Exames laboratoriais: plaquetopenia (34.000/mm³), hemoglobina de 13,2 g/dL, INR de 1,31, tempo de tromboplastina parcial ativada (TTPa) de 39,1 segundos (TTPa controle: 32,5 segundos), fibrinogênio de 54 mg/dL (VR: 200 a 400 mg/dL), d-dímeros 35,20 ug/mL (VR: até 0,5 ug/mL). Também foi realizada dosagem de anticorpos anti fator plaquetário 4 (Anti-PF4), mas sem resultado imediato do teste. Após 4 horas da admissão hospitalar, nova imagem de crânio foi realizada e mostrou aumento da hemorragia intracraniana. Mesmo após o manejo terapêutico inicial com suporte de terapia intensiva, imunoglobulina intravenosa 1 g/kg e dexametasona 40 mg, cerca de 12 horas da admissão, não houve resposta neurológica satisfatória, evoluindo para morte encefálica. Alguns dias após o óbito, resultado detectável de anticorpos anti-PF4. Discussão: As vacinas são as principais ferramentas para controle da pandemia da COVID-19. Consequentemente, com a vacinação de grande parte da população mundial, vários casos de eventos tromboembólicos e plaquetopenia foram reportados em indivíduos que receberam a vacina ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 (Astrazeneca) e, mais recentemente, nos que receberam a Ad26.COV2.S vaccine (Janssen), em um intervalo de 5 a 30 dias da aplicação. Esta síndrome recebeu o nome de trombocitopenia trombótica imune induzida por vacinas (VITT), que apesar da incidência ainda ser desconhecida, é considerada rara. Os achados clínicos são muito semelhantes aos encontrados na trombocitopenia imune induzida por heparina (HIT): plaquetopenia (mediana de 20.000 a 30.000/mm3), elevação de d-dímeros, níveis reduzidos de fibrinogênio e evidência de trombose, principalmente trombose de seio venoso cerebral. Além disto, ocorre presença de altos níveis de anticorpo anti-PF4, mesmo na ausência de exposição à heparina. O manejo terapêutico deve ser realizado com uso de imunoglobulina intravenosa, corticoides em altas doses e anticoagulação (preferencialmente por agentes não-heparina), minimizando as transfusões de plaquetas (apenas para casos com sangramento crítico). A despeito da síndrome ser potencialmente fatal, os benefícios da vacinação superam os riscos. Conclusão: Apesar da VITT ser uma síndrome rara, a crescente vacinação da população exige que a comunidade médica saiba identificar e manejar esta condição.

Hematology, Transfusion and Cell Therapy ; 43:S103, 2021.
Article in English | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-1859598


Introduction: Diffuse Large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is the most common non-Hodgkin lymphoma, which accounts for approximately 30% of all non-Hodgkin lymphoma cases. Spontaneous remission of DLBCL is exceedingly rare, with only a handful of case reports that describe the phenomenon present in the literature. Specialists are investigating similar cases to find out whether the SARS-CoV-2 infection triggered an antitumor immune response, as has been described with other infections in the context of high-grade non-Hodgkin lymphoma. We report one case of an elderly woman with EBV positive DLBCL diagnosed with PCR-positive SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia in the course of the disease and their outcomes. Case report: A 81 years-old woman, was referred to the consult ambulatory of intern medicine with progressive cervical, axillary and inguinal lymphadenopathy with local pain, fever and weight loss. The biopsy of an axillary lymph node demonstrated diffuse atypical lymphoid infiltrate. Immunohistochemistry stains showed positive CD20, CD30, Bcl-2 and MUM-1. It was negative for CD3, CD10, Bcl-6, c-Myc and CMV. The Ki-67 proliferation index was 80%. Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) stain were positive. These findings were consistent with DLBCL, EBV positive, clinical Stage IIIB and R-IPI 4 (poor prognosis and high risk). Since PET-CT was unavailable, thorax and abdomen computed tomographies were performed and revealed enlarged lymph node on pulmonary hilum, pathological lymph node enlargement in the axillary and supraclavicular chains bilaterally and peri aortocaval adenomegaly, extending along the bilateral femoral iliac vessels (larger lymph nodes of 2.5cm). She was treated with 4 cycles of R-CVP (rituximab with cyclophosphamide, vincristine and prednisone). When an interim PET-CT was performed, disease progression was revealed (Lugano score 5). Therefore, considering patient age and clinical status, treatment scheme was changed to R-mini-CHOP (rituximab with reduced doses of cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine and prednisone), achieving partial response after 4 cycles (Lugano score 4). A month after this evaluation, she was admitted to the Emergency Department with diarrhea, fever and was diagnosed with PCR-positive SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia. After 6-days hospitalization with no significant ventilatory impairment, she was discharged. No corticosteroid or immunochemotherapy was administered. Two months later, she had no palpable lymphadenopathy and a PET/CT scan revealed widespread resolution of the lymphadenopathy and reduced metabolic uptake throughout (Lugano score 1). After a 7-months follow-up, the patient still has no clinical relapse. Discussion: The putative mechanisms of action include cross-reactivity of pathogen-specic T cells with tumour antigens and natural killer cell activation by inammatory cytokines produced in response to infection. It is important to consider that the more cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection in patients with non-Hodgkin lymphoma, the more likely it is to analyze lymphoma remissions and demonstrate the exact mechanism of pathogen-specific T cells with tumor antigens. Conclusion: Because spontaneous remission of DLBCL associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection is a new event, careful investigation of these cases is important, because the information gained may lead to new therapeutic targets or treatment strategies for future patients.

Brazilian Journal of Infectious Diseases ; 26, 2022.
Article in Portuguese | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-1693886


Introdução/Objetivo: As enterobactérias resistentes a carbapenêmicos têm sido importantes causas de infecções relacionadas a assistência à saúde, com significante taxas de mortalidade. O uso das Polimixinas ainda é um recurso amplamente utilizado como alternativa terapêutica para este tipo de infecção. Ao longo da pandemia de Covid-19, notou-se expansão de casos de infecções por bactérias multidrogarresistentes (MDR) e por vezes situações de desabastecimento de antibióticos como as Polimixinas. Para determinar o mecanismo de resistência a carbapenêmicos, análises mais precisas baseados em testes genéticos são dispendiosas e pouco acessíveis;por esta razão o teste de detecção fenotípica é estratégia mais viável, auxiliando na escolha entre as opções farmacológicas disponíveis. Este trabalho tem como objetivo comparar os resultados de testes fenotípicos versus testes genotípicos sobre a resistência a carbapenêmicos em enterobactérias resistentes a polimixinas entre janeiro e junho de 2021 em um hospital filantrópico em Salvador-BA. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo observacional, descritivo e retrospectivo, realizado através de coleta de dados em prontuário eletrônico, busca dos testes realizados pelo LACEN-Ba e compilação em planilha da Microsoft Excel®. Resultados: Entre janeiro a junho de 2021 foram detectadas 14 enterobactérias resistentes a Polimixina B, das quais a instituição realiza análise de testes fenotípicos (e-CIM e m-CIM) capazes de identificar possíveis mecanismos de resistência aos carbapenêmicos como serinos e metallobetalactamases. Ainda como rotina institucional, essas amostras são enviadas ao LACEN-BA para análise genética. Em comparação entre os testes genéticos e fenotípicos tem-se que das 14 amostras, 8 foram serinos, 3 foram metallobetalactamases e 3 não foram analisadas. Dentre as serinos, tem-se que 63% corresponderam a um mecanismo de resistência divergente no teste genético (NDM) e apenas 38% foram identificadas como KPC. Dentre as metallobetalactamases, 100% corresponderam ao mecanismo de resistência NDM. Conclusão: Pode-se concluir que apesar da amostra ter sido realizada em um número pequeno, a resistência a Polimixina B não fazia parte do perfil microbiológico da instituição. Apesar do teste fenotípico adotado ser mais acessível e de rápido resultado, apresentou divergência após a análise genética, não podendo ser utilizado isoladamente para definir conduta.

Revista Juridica ; 5(67):24-48, 2022.
Article in Portuguese | Scopus | ID: covidwho-1687725


Objective: This paper aims to identify how John Rawls' theory of justice applies to the context of distribution of vaccines against COVID-19 in Brazil. To this end, the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil and in the world is initially contextualized, exposing the facts and measures taken by global and local governments to deal with the pandemic, as well as scientific efforts to develop a vaccine. in record time. In a second step, John Rawls' theory of justice is analyzed in more depth, elucidating its main theoretical foundations and foundations, as well as its results for the application of the study developed here. In the last topic, the applications of Rawlsian theory in the performance of state and federal governments in the policy of combating COVID-19, as well as the eventual vaccination of the population, are developed. Methodology: This research adopted the hypothetical-deductive method, based on the available legal literature on the subject, operating through a bibliographic survey. Results: The theoretical analysis on justice by John Rawls, although not so recent, is still capable of bringing several innovations on the implementation of public health policies to prevent COVID-19, since they are still undertaken based on utilitarian conceptions of justice distributive, which does not serve the individual interests of citizens, does not even guarantee them access to all the means that allow them to choose their life project. Rawlsian theory, therefore, if effectively applied in such a context, would be able to promote the fair distribution of vaccines through due consideration to the least favored. Contributions: The main contribution of this article is to identify the applications of John Rawls' theory of justice in the current public health policy against COVID-19, with a special perspective in observing the Rawlsian principles of justice in the distribution of the right to health regarding the vaccines. © 2022, Centro Universitario Curitiba - UNICURITIBA. All rights reserved.

Revista Cientifica Multidisciplinar RECIMA21 ; 2(6), 2021.
Article in Portuguese | CAB Abstracts | ID: covidwho-1574269


This article is about demonstrating the importance of biosafety in the health field, especially among professionals in this area, as well as in hospitals, in laboratories and other health sectors, in the current context of the Covid-19 pandemic, a trigger by the Sars-Cov-2 coronavirus. Nevertheless, its main objective is to demonstrate the role of biosafety in preventing the transmission of SARS-Cov-2, since the adoption of security measures is the most effective way to contain contagion by the virus that causes Covid-19. In turn, the damage caused by the new coronavirus is expected to be minimized through biosafety practices. To this end, the content of the present study was collected through a literature review, which deals with articles taken from the research platforms: Scielo (Scientific Electronic Library Online) and LILACS (Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences). In addition, the terms searched were defined based on the Health Sciences Descriptors (Decs), based on two search strategies: (i) Biosafety AND COVID-19;(ii) Biosafety AND coronavirus. After analyzing these indicators, it was realized that it is of paramount importance to provide a broad and objective view on biosafety in the field of health, so that these measures are carefully followed, especially among professionals, as well as in hospitals, in laboratories and other health sectors, mainly in the current context of the Covid-19 pandemic. Thus, it is expected that listing, in detail, the relevance of preventive behavior in the current scenario, it will be possible to promote health through the elimination or mitigation of risks to life and social well-being.

Revista Cientifica Multidisciplinar RECIMA21 ; 2(7), 2021.
Article in Portuguese | CAB Abstracts | ID: covidwho-1503186


Objective: To promote the importance of nurses and their health in the face of a covid-19 pandemic. Methodology: This is a qualitative research, descriptive of an integrative literature review in the databases. The articles selected at this stage were read in full and obtained according to the eligibility criteria.

Environmental Footprints and Eco-Design of Products and Processes ; : 141-167, 2021.
Article in English | Scopus | ID: covidwho-1404644


The world is experiencing a pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which develops the disease COVID-19. Taking care of yourself and others are attitudes considered more than a norm or suggestion, it is an attitude governed by common sense and also, an act of love. A new reality for many: work at home or with protective equipment;home studies;limitations when leaving home (use of mask, alcohol gel, and temperature measurement in different environments);excessive hygiene;numerous surveys (products, services, medicines, vaccines);hospital products and equipment. The importance and benefits of living in a sustainable city have become even more evident. Investments and emergency aid, water management, waste management, home education, health, are old needs, even more evident in a new reality. A sustainable city aims to develop responsibly, taking into account the triple bottom (economic, social, environmental). Based on this context, the objective of this research is: How the concept of sustainable cities can contribute in a pandemic context. This research aims to contribute theoretically, by addressing a series of measures and actions, foreseen in a sustainable city and that can positively help the population, when they find themselves in a pandemic. Still, there is a practical and social contribution, as the research contributes to the management of cities, aiming for smart, healthy and sustainable cities, focusing on education, security, and public health. © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.

European Psychiatry ; 64(S1):S308, 2021.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-1357268


IntroductionResearch following the Covid-19 pandemics has shown that psychological reactions to the pandemic and its constraints can vary significantly depending on personality. One of the traits that has not been studied yet, but can play a harmful role in the COVID-19 psychological impact is perfectionism. This trait, characterized by setting excessively high standards of performance and striving for flawlessness, has increased in recent years and is considered a transdiagnostic process involved in several (mental) health problems (Curran & Hill 2019).ObjectivesTo analyze the role of Perfectionism in the levels of fear of COVID19 and of perception of infection risk by COVID-19.Methods234 adults (75.6% women;mean age=29.53±12.51) completed an on-line survey with the Portuguese validated versions of Covid-19 Perceived Risk Scale (C19PRS;Pereira et al. 2020), Fear of COVID-19 Scale (FC19S;Cabaços et al. 2020) and Big Three Perfectionism Scale (BTPS;Garrido et al. 2020). SPSS was used to perform correlation and regression analysis.ResultsPerceived Risk and Fear of COVID-19 were significantly correlated with perfectionism (.243, .228, respectively) (both, p<.01). Perfectionism explains 5.5% (Adjusted R2) of the FC19S variance (Beta=.243, p<.001) and 4.8% of the C19PRS variance (Beta=.228, p=.01).ConclusionsThis study provides preliminary, but completely innovative evidence that perfectionism contribute to the psychological impact of Covid-19 pandemics. In the near future we will test the hypothesis that the nature of unpredictability and the limitations imposed by the global crisis may be exacerbating the already high levels of psychological distress that affect negative perfectionists.

European Psychiatry ; 64(S1):S307, 2021.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-1357266


IntroductionRisk perception of COVID-19 is potentially a significant determinant of the pandemic evolution and the public’s response to it. Acceptable levels of risk perception can be considered good for people to effectively fight the pandemic and adopt preventive health behaviors while high levels of risk perception may be damaging. Recently, Yıldırım&Güler (2020) developed the Covid-19 Perceived Risk Scale (C19PRS) to measure this construct.ObjectivesTo analyze the psychometric properties of the C19PRS Portuguese version, namely construct validity, internal consistency and convergent validity.MethodsA community sample of 234 adults (75.6% women;mean age= 29.53±12.51;range:16-71) completed an on-line survey with the Portuguese versions of the CPRS and the Fear of Covid-19 Scale (FCV-19S;Cabaços et al. 2020). The total sample was randomly divided in two sub-samples: sample A (n=117) was used to perform an exploratory factor analysis/EFA;sample B (n=117) to make a confirmatory factor analysis/CFA.ResultsEFA resulted in three components. CFA revealed that the second-order model with three factors presented good fit indexes (X2/df=1.471;CFI=.959;GFI=.948;TLI=.932;p[RMSEA≤.01]=.065). CPRS Cronbach alphas was α=.687;for F1 Worry, F2 Susceptibility to Covid-19 and F3 Susceptibility to Overall Morbimortality were α=.747, α=.813 and α=.543, respectively. The total and dimensional scores significantly correlated with FCV-19S (r>.30, p<.01).ConclusionsThis study provides evidence for the validity and reliability of the Portuguese version of CPRS, which will be used in an ongoing research project on the relationship between Covid-19 perceived risk, perfectionism, cognitive processes and adherence to public health measures to contain the pandemic.

Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics ; 10(3):1678-1686, 2021.
Article in English | Scopus | ID: covidwho-1266938


The global coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic requires the Timor Leste government to make a school from home policy. This policy has encouraged several universities to improve the quality of their distance learning services. However, it seems that the government has not gone deep enough to conduct a preliminary study on each university website's readiness to face this. Based on previous research, the university website impact factor is one of the criteria for increasing webometrics rankings. Still, it is not explained in detail the types of referring pages and domains that can affect webometrics rankings. This research investigates the extent to which R-WIF affects webometrics and examines the factors that can improve the university website's quality. We surveyed the revised web impact factor (R-WIF) at seven universities in Timor Leste to determine their academic sites' relative standing. The results show, although some universities have increased the number of backlinks, the webometrics university ranking prefers backlinks that come from high-authorization sites such as .edu and .gov. The correlation value indicates this phenomenon between R-WIF and Webometrics of 0.464, which means moderate. Universities in Timor Leste need to implement several strategies to improve Webometrics rankings, especially visibility. © 2021, Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science. All rights reserved.

Hematology, Transfusion and Cell Therapy ; 42:241-242, 2020.
Article in Spanish | ScienceDirect | ID: covidwho-892881
Revista Gestao Organizacional ; 14(1):117-130, 2021.
Article in Portuguese | Web of Science | ID: covidwho-1129894


Governmental financial resilience is characterized by the way in which government entities face and recover from financial crises or shocks, being manifested from interactive dimensions. In view of the shock generated by COVID-19, the present research seeks to assess whether vulnerability and the ability to anticipate (resilience proxies) are correlated with the ability to cope with the virus (measured by the number of tests per inhabitant). To determine possible correlations, Spearman's correlation test was used, since the sample did not respect normality in its distribution, to measure the relationship between variables. The evidence points to a negative correlation between the dependence on intergovernmental transfer (vulnerability) and the ability to generate savings (anticipation capacity) and the capacity to cope with COVID-19. Despite methodological limitations, the research provides a potential contribution to advancing the observation of the interaction between the financial and social aspects of resilience, especially in view of the role that accounting plays in shaping different forms and paths for government financial resilience, providing answers short- or long-term shocks, anticipating them through planning and control mechanisms, which can contribute to the development of governance practices based on this literature.

Aged |Ageism |Bioethics |Coronavirus infections |Public health policy ; 2021(Revista Bioetica)
Article | WHO COVID | ID: covidwho-2022160


Ageism is the prejudice or discrimination of older adults, whether through stigmatization or discriminatory practices by society and its institutions. The current covid-19 pandemic context has shown Western society’s ageist stance and, consequently, of its protocols on the distribution of health resources, leading to severe negative repercussions to the care of this population. This theoretical essay discusses the manifestations and consequences of ageism in the context of health resource distribution policies during the pandemic, considering the bioethical implications involved in this type of discrimination when considering the principles of justice and human dignity. © 2021, Conselho Federal de Medicina. All rights reserved.